Mass Effect: Andromeda Wiki
Orbital distance 0.6 AU
Orbital period 0.5 years
Radius 1712 km
Atmospheric pressure 0.12 atmospheres
Surface temperature 69C
Pas-40's moon likely came into being through a massive asteroid impact millennia ago, creating both the planet's rings and Pas-40a.

Pas-40a is a planet in the Layan star system.

Anomaly[ | ]

Layan - Pas-40a - Crater

An anomaly is detected on this planet. Scanning reveals a Crater.

Data[ | ]

  • Hypervelocity impact crater
  • Rim diameter: 357 km
  • Depth: Approx. 2.3 km
  • Ejecta: Mineral deposits

Analysis[ | ]

Buried at the center of this crater is an ancient metal object that appears to be some sort of torpedo. It seems Pas-40a was caught in the crossfire of a space battle centuries or millennia ago.

Rewards[ | ]

  • +270 XP on scan