Mass Effect: Andromeda Wiki
Orbital distance 2.4 AU
Orbital period 2.9 years
Radius 7103 km
Atmospheric pressure 0.89 atmospheres
Surface temperature 29C
Available minerals Nickel
The ancestral home of the angara is a lush jungle planet. However, scans detect plant life on Havarl exhibiting maladaptive, unsustainable growth patterns. The abnormal mutation suggests something is terribly wrong with Havarl's ecology.

Havarl is a planet in the Faroang star system. Initially designated "Habitat 3," it is no longer in consideration for settlement by the Andromeda Initiative.



The following missions take place or are acquired on Havarl:

Priority Ops

1 This mission is a Priority Op if Ryder partially completes the Meet the Resistance mission arc.

Allies and Relationships
Heleus Assignments

2 This mission is a Heleus Assignment if Ryder first completes the Meet the Resistance mission arc.

Additional Tasks



Terminal entries

Forward station terminal entries


Codex Card Havarl

As Jaal explains, Havarl is considered the ancestral home of the angara. The ruins of angaran cities are a draw for researchers, looters, and angara who defy the kett to make pilgrimage. The planet's history also makes it a symbolic staging ground for the ruthlessly xenophobic Roekaar.

Long-range surveys by the Andromeda Initiative indicated Havarl was a garden world of lush green jungles and abundant liquid water. The planet was considered a "golden world," and given the label Habitat 3.

Our observations today show Havarl is unrecognizable. The jungles now dominate much of the planet's surface, demonstrating bizarre growth patterns. Samples show grotesque mutations and hormonal changes in the jungles' plant life, rendering it not only extremely hardy but hazardous for consumption. These factors point to a large-scale shift in Havarl's ecology that bears investigation.

With the Remnant vault stabilized and correctly activated, both angaran and Nexus scientists report a noticeable improvement in Havarl's plant life. The more aggressive and mutated species are dying back, supplanted by soil-enriching and pollinating varieties.

In a comparatively brief time, Havarl shows signs of being a welcoming garden world. Meanwhile, Initiative scientists have joined forces with angaran personnel to investigate Havarl further.

