Mass Effect: Andromeda Wiki
Please keep looking
Please keep looking
Location Tempest

Please keep looking is one of the terminal entries located on the Tempest. It is an email received after meeting with Hydaria in Prodromos during Cora Harper: Asari Ark.

Text[ | ]

To: Ryder
From: Nitola T'Lyan

You don't know me, but word is you're looking for our ark, the Leusinia? Is that true? The Nexus leadership's been so tied up with the station, it's like everyone forgot about her.

Please don't give up! My foster sisters were on the Leusinia—I've watched for them every day. If they're really out there, and not lost in dark space, please bring them home!

Praying for you, and the people I love,

N. T'L

See also[ | ]
