Mass Effect: Andromeda Wiki
Offer: Varren Jerky (Updated) (Updated) (Updated) (Updated)
Offer: Varren Jerky (Updated) (Updated) (Updated) (Updated)
Location New Tuchanka, Elaaden

Offer: Varren Jerky (Updated) (Updated) (Updated) (Updated) is one of the terminal entries located in New Tuchanka on Elaaden.

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By: Korten Ewudz

As an additional clarification, I should point out that as there are no klixen in this galaxy, it is impossible for them to have been involved in the roasting process of this varren jerky. "Klixen-style" was only intended to mean that the meat had been flash-roasted at high temperatures and then tenderized with an acid bath to lock in the flavor. I apologize for any confusion.

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