Mass Effect: Andromeda Wiki
Automatic Fire System
Automatic Fire System
Item Rarity Uncommon
Type Gun Fire Type
Usage Guns
Technology Milky Way
RD Cost
Icon Automatic Fire System Icon
Description This is a Gun Fire Type augmentation. You may apply one such augment to a gun during the development process.

Automatic Fire System is a Gun Fire Type augmentation.

Effects[ | ]

Changes weapon fire to automatic.

+50% Rate of Fire
+20% Clip Size
-40% Weapon Damage
-40% Weapon Accuracy

Restrictions[ | ]

This augmentation cannot be applied to the following items during development:

This augmentation cannot be applied to the following firearms during development:

Notes[ | ]

As the N7 Hurricane X, Pathfinder Ranger, and Reegar Carbine are already automatic weapons by default, do not apply the Automatic Fire System augmentation to these weapons during development. This only wastes an augmentation slot.

The N7 Hurricane Tiers II-IX do not allow the Automatic Fire System to be applied but Tier X does. It is still advised to not apply this augmentation to that weapon as it is already an automatic weapon.

See also[ | ]
